Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On Life's Road

The Road of Life

Down I go,, on a lonely road

Places to explore ..... and a lot more

Reached a point where I had to decide

Which turn would I suffice

With a Lion Heart I roared

In the direction making my life soar.

Little did I know about what's gona be

Little did I realize how it will be

Turn here and turn there

I saw happiness everywhere

Was this a lucky road or fate

Not sure to love it or hate

For if its an illusion

It would be a spear

And if not

It would be something dear

Confused I walked on

And loved the way it shone

Ah! I saw another turn

My stomach just circled an urn

It was again the testing time

Not something funny or mime

I ranked my options.. one and two

Crazy I caught a flu

Finally I made a move

Walked ahead to just shoot

Lying on the floor

Now I thought

Was this a wrong entry

Or my destiny

Like Feathers of Hen

I fell in a Den

Gone were the illusions and glory

That was the end of my story

End ----- Three little word

Is the story of every word

Or a beginning of a quest-----

---- Another road of test!!